BoulderWorld Climbers … We need your help!
Is this for you?
Do you enjoy climbing ?
Do you want to get the most out of your climbing?
Do you want t push yourself and improve?
Do you want to take part in some structured sessions?
Do you want to find out a little more about the competitions – whether or not you want to take part?
Get together with a group of friends … no cost, no commitment … just a chance to give it a go!
If you are thinking
“This isn’t for me”
“I’m not good enough”
“It’s meant for someone else”
… Think again … This is for you, You are good enough … and your going to love it 

16+ Years
3 groups (Ideally need at least 6 male and 6 female per group)
1: Blue -> Green Climbers
2: Yellow -> Red Climbers
3: Black -> Pink Climber
Available 28th and 29th August … late afternoon / Evening
Put your name down if you are keen to have a go.
Link to register ->